

braveI am often confronted with the reality that many people face unreasonable pressures.  Sometimes it is at home but often it is at work.  There are simply evil people that do evil things to good-hearted souls.  Worse of all, it happens in the church.  Yes, I know you cannot believe that something like this would ever take place in the church but it does.  Sometimes it is a power grab and others it is just for spite.  But truth be known, it does happen, even in “some” churches.  Regardless, whether home, work or church, being forced to concede a position out of unreasonable pressure is both unjust and immoral.  Trust me when I say, there is a big world out there and you do not have to succumb to such pressure or threat.  You simply have to be brave.  Whether braving the storm, facing the storm or outrunning the storm you can do it.  You just have to give yourself permission to be free.  Free from what everyone wants you to be and free to be exactly who God has created you to be.  Be brave my friend!

Jon Langford is the Founder of a church planting movement called The Gathering.  It’s mission is to serve those who serve others through the love of Jesus Christ.   Currently over 60,000 Cast Members at Walt Disney World are provided ministry services through partnerships and local networking.


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